
The Unexpected Blessing: My C-Section Birth Story

My estimated due date was August 31, 2023.

When I went to my 40-week Prenatal Appointment on August 30, 2023, they told me I was 1cm dilated. But that the baby was in distress. So they sent me to the Hospital for prolonged monitoring. The doctor there told me everything was good, and decided to send me home. But the doctor recommended me to go back for an Induction.

So I scheduled my Induction for Friday, September 1, 2023.

On August 31, I walked all day to make the process go faster. In hopes that when they checked my cervix, they tell me I’m dilated at least 3cm or more.

I’ve also been drinking Red raspberry tea since I was 38 weeks, in hopes that it will help soften my cervix.

But things don’t always go as planned.

Induction Day

I went in to get induced. They gave me 5 doses of Misoprostol on September 1, 2023. They tried the Cervical Ripening Balloon and Pitocin on September 2, 2023, which helped me dilate 4cm. Pitocin on September 3, 2023, on this day they also broke my water. And IUCP/Pitocin on September 4, 2023.

After all of that, baby boy was still not effacing. He was so high up.

To avoid complications with baby boy and I, my Doctor talked to me about having a C-Section to avoid anything from happening. I didn’t want to have a C-Section.

I cried so much. My husband and mom cried too.

I had told my doctors to wait one more hour, we were praying for a miracle.

The hour passed, and they checked my cervix again, baby boy was still high up, and at this point my water had been broken for 24 hour already.

Baby Time!!!

My induction had failed, so I had to have a C-Section. The whole experience was so traumatizing and emotional all at the same time.

I had to get the epidural regardless. Everything that happened in the operation room is all a blur too me.

I just remember throwing up, being cold and shaking. Feeling a-lot of pressure as my baby was delivered.

Baby Boy was delivered on September 4, 2023 at 5:21 PM.

Photo taken by Mom365 on September 5, 2023

Everything was all worth it as soon as I had held my baby boy in my arms.

He is so perfect and cute. I love him so much!!!

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